Hypoglycemia – Hyperglycemia
Hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, high, low blood sugar. . Symptoms, signs are excessive thirst, dizziness, sudden vision problems, lack of energy.
See how to naturally balance blood sugar. Energy healing treatment gives excellent results. It improve pancreas. Energy healing works also effectively on distance!
Common hidden cause of the malfunctioning of the pancreas:
Earth radiation magnetic field – Hartmann cross, the underground water vessel to the region of the abdominal cavity may also be caused by improper (hypo – hyper) function of the pancreas and hence of diabetes, inflammation, as well as cancer of the foot. This action results in such a way that the person is either high blood sugar and high blood sugar or low.
Long-term condition of elevated blood sugar leads to the failure of many organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, blood vessels, nerve damage ..), in some cases, damage to blood vessels, especially capillaries leads to gangrene leg, toe, foot. . Regulates blood sugar is essential for health.
Geopathic radiation (so called Geopathic stress zone) cause changes already at the cellular level and from here to the organs. Certain cells are modified so their actions start to act for themselves and not for the community, and this leads to benign or malignant changes in cells whose start is practically impossible to determine on the basis of modern medical tests -Electronic microscopes (due to both low initial structures, which the human eye can not detect). Also, a man natural Earth radiation can not detect free, as they are invisible, odorless, tasteless – as well as technical (cell phones, transmitters, power lines), it is possible to detect a professional with appropriate devices.
ADDITIONAL FACTORS at high / lower blood sugar levels
• cholesterol (liver problem)
• too high blood pressure (heart)
• overweight
• heredity
Tips to control blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia – hypoglycemia)
• Bioenergy / biotherapy for improving the function of the pancreas, thereby controlling blood sugar
Diet and nutrition
• Physical activity / day for at least half an hour
• daily control of blood sugar (domestic – blood sugar levels)
• Using our energy system – Biostimulator, which improves blood circulation – circulation and thereby improving the supply of organs after blood and oxygen, which is particularly disturbed in diabetic patients ,often have defects due to the blood vessels, especially in gangrene. |

Rudolf Breuss, a renowned herbalist, which has heal over 50,000 cancer patients, in his book The treatment of cancer and leukemia repeatedly pointed out:
“All cancer pacients lying on the natural Earth radiation of uderground water veins, streams. Consequently, it is necessary Radiestesthesist ( dowser) to measure radiation in bedroom“
Furthernotes that despite its effective herbal treatments will not cure if man continues to sleep on the harmful Earth radiation field – rays! Regulation of blood sugar in a natural way!
More about diabetes, gangrene examples can be seen here .. Too high as well as too low blood sugar causes many on a long-term systemic diseases of organs, failure.
Notice: Naturally balance blood sugar is not replacement of medical healing at your doctor!