Disease Henoch Schönlein Purpura (HSP) caused by inflammation of the tiny blood vessels – vasculitis. Signs and symptoms include a red rash on the legs or anywhere elsewhere on the body, usually begin with fever.
Usually, the disease cure itself in a few weeks but in rare cases, it can lead to drastic problems. The causes are not officially known, it may be vaccination, or as an autoimmune disease, so medical treatment healing HSP is usually only with painkillers.
We recommended alternative, natural distance energy healing. Biotherapy improve immune system, purpura ussualy disappears after therapies.
Also recommending Biostimulator as long term support. It improve blood circulation, raising immune system, protect from radiation of Geopathic stress zone.

In certain cases, it may lead to bleeding in the intestines, resulting in that it is in the stool blood. Bleedings also can occur in the kidney and rarely in the brain.
The disease is more common at children but rarely in adults. Bleeding that occurs in the intestine causes abdominal pain, it may do bowel obstruction, bleeding in the kidney rarely can lead to renal failure.
HSP medical treatment in these cases is with corticosteroids mostly for rest of the life , but they have many side effects.
Hiden potential cause of henoch schonlein purpura -HSP
Alternative “unknown” causes we find in our practice for various diseases in geo radiation of water currents and other geobiological radiations. Earth Radiations causes geopathic stress cells in a way to beginning change in benign or malignant form. Also radiations reduce the immune system. Thus leads to different forms of auto-immune diseases (to act immune system against its own body);
Bioenergy alternative eliminates the inflammation of blood vessels – vasculitis and raising the immune system, while acting as pain relief, especially when it comes to swelling in the knees or ankles. Purpura can also occur on the fingers, elbows – anywhere on the body and so while there causing pain. In the case when it comes to bleeding in the intestine or kidney, alternative -natural treatment is directed at these organs;
Experience our clients are frequently improvement after almost the first biotherapy treatment – with no side effects! •We also recommend to use of our bioenergy system – Biostimulator (it naturally raise the human immune system and blood circulation of entire body, works anti-inflammatory and pain relief, removes often hidden causes such as radiation-geopathic stress cell) Biotherapist works effectively even at a distance, not only in live!We also recommend, if it is possible, to send us your photos (in jpg. affected parts with purpura) that we can accurately monitoring the effects of natural therapy as well as for our internal researches. Call us for free dates of energy therapies on mobile: 0038641716195 /skype / or post via email (by clicking on our number on computer will be perform automatic call on skype -not in mobile version) When you asking yourself, how to naturraly remove vasculitis, what are natural medicines, cream or tea to eliminate the disease Henoch Schönlein Purpura, bioenergy is the right answer .. The results you may see with the naked eye when symptoms and signs of disease HSP disappearing. |
Experience, opinion our client after 2/4 distant therapy treatment:
Purpura on the legs disappearing, there is no more pain and swelling, Đ.M
Notice: distance -remote energy healing is not replacement for medical treatment-healing at your doctor!